Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Apple To Do Subscritption Music? Huh?

According to the Financial Times is reporting that Apple is in talks with the Big 4 about giving users total access to music via a subscription service. It seems as though this would work after purchasing a special iPod or iPhone (potentially for a $100 premium over current prices) for the ability to download music for one year without paying for it. Nothing is final, but this 'rumor' has actually been confirmed, which is nice for a change.

Now, this is something I've wanted for a long time and would be somewhat excited to see come to fruition. However, I agree with my good friend MG Sielger over at Venture Beat. While it is something that people could enjoy and be asking for, the way it is set up seems overly complicated, especially for Apple. Plus, as MG says, why would you want to fix the system they have which isn't even close to broken, or even bruised for that matter. Selling songs for 99 cents is what has made the iPod so powerful (yes, the iPod) as it has cause people to come out in droves to purchase the portable music players.

Personally, I don't see this taking off. iPods are not the cheapest thing and lots of people already have them. With iPod sales slowing, adding $100 to that price isn't exactly going to boost sales. The model doesn't seem to fit with me and, frankly, I'm surprised that the labels are going along with it as well. Although, I suppose that getting more of your music "sold" onto the biggest selling music player and store is always a good thing to be a part of. We'll just have to wait and see for this one...

Photo by Flickr user: nebarnix.

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